
Autonomous driving: Develop together, test digitally

How digital twins and interdisciplinary partnerships between industry and science are driving development.

It is a perfectly normal town in Upper Bavaria, except for the fact that there are two of them: the real Ingolstadt and its digital twin. As part of the project SAVeNoWAudi has created a digital version of the town where the company has its headquarters. The VW subsidiary is managing the project together with a host of scientific partners, including TH Ingolstadt, KU EichstättTU MünchenGerman Aerospace Centre DLRUniversity of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI. Also involved are the following companies: ContinentalTWTASAP3D Mapping Solutions, seppmed und Elektronische Fahrwerk-Systeme (EFS). The project is financed by a grant of 7.5 million euros from the Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure.

‘We have created a virtual test field for automated driving,’ explains SAVeNoW project manager Lutz Morich, ‘to answer questions that cannot be solved analytically.’ Morich and his team have been working on the simulation for over three years now. The simulation encompasses all static objects, from inner city streets to the A9 motorway, and from industrial areas to all the city’s buildings.

For the full article, plesae visit Messe Frankfurt's Mobility & Logistics.